Starting from 23 April 2012, anyone who has turned 17 and already has an A1 driving license can apply for "accompanied driving", after having attended a specific 10-hour driving course at a driving school. he will be allowed to drive cars accompanied by a designated person (tutor).

The procedure for issuing the accompanied driving authorization is divided into two phases:


Phase 1 – request for authorization from the candidate with issue by the UMC of the receipt for attendance of the driving school course. This phase is completed with the issuing of the attendance certificate by the driving school.

The preparatory course for issuing the accompanied driving authorization consists of 10 hours of individual lessons, as follows:

    1 hour on vehicle use; 3 hours on behavior in traffic; 2 hours on driving in night vision conditions; 2 hours of driving on extra-urban roads; 2 hours of driving on motorways and extra-urban roads.


Phase 2 – release of the authorization by the UMC following presentation of the aforementioned certificate of attendance, the booklet of driving lessons attended, as well as the indication of the names of the companions.

The companions designated by the applicant in the authorization application must be in possession of certain requirements, subject to evaluation by the competent UMC, namely:

    age not exceeding 60 years; driving license of category B or higher, excluding special licences, held for at least 10 years, valid and issued by the Italian State or by another EU or EEA State, provided it has been recognized for no less than 5 years; absence of license suspension measures as ancillary administrative sanction for violations of CDS regulations registered in the last 5 years.

The requirements that allow the minor to enroll in the course are that:

    is at least 17 years of age; is in possession of a valid A1 driving license and without provisions prohibiting driving.

The authorization is valid until the driver reaches the age of eighteen or until the validity of the driving license expires, if this expires before the driver reaches the age of eighteen.

For the subsequent obtaining of the category B license, the obligation of the 6 hours of compulsory driving referred to in the Ministerial Decree of 04.20.2012 and prescribed in art.112, c.5 bis by the CDS does not apply, if the application for obtaining the category B driving license is presented no later than 6 months after the date of the 18th birthday.

For further information do not hesitate to contact us!

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