Established by a legislative decree in 2006, it came into force in 2008 as regards drivers carrying out the transport of passengers and goods.
The CQC can be issued for freight transport, for passenger transport or for both sectors.
We are authorized with Nulla Osta issued by the DGT North West for all courses relating to the CQC:
The CQC Goods or People is the Driver Qualification Card that drivers must possess to professionally transport goods or people by road.
CQC Goods: allows the driving of vehicles with a full load mass greater than 3.5 tonnes.
CQC People: allows the driving of vehicles carrying more than 9 passengers and scheduled public service buses.
In order to obtain the Goods/Personnel Driver Qualification Card it is necessary to attend a training course consisting of:
The candidate answers seventy questions within ninety minutes, crossing the letter "V" or "F" depending on whether he considers that proposition true or false: forty questions are taken from the topics of the theoretical program, common part; the remaining thirty questions are taken from the topics of the theoretical program, specialist part, based on the type of qualification that the candidate intends to obtain. The test is considered passed if the number of incorrect answers is, at most, 7.
The CQC for the transport of goods or people expire every 5 years and to renew them it is necessary to attend a 35-hour periodic training course with compulsory attendance.
It is possible to attend periodic refresher courses up to 12 months before the Driver Qualification Card expires.
In the case of double qualification (goods and people), the renewal of one specialization entails the automatic renewal of the other as long as the qualification that expires expires no later than 12 months following the renewal of the first.
If you already have a goods or people CQC and want to obtain double qualification, you can extend your qualification card by participating only in the specific course.
In order to obtain the Goods/Personnel Driver Qualification Card in extension to the qualification held, it is necessary to attend a training course consisting of:
The holder of the CQC qualification for the transport of goods, who intends to obtain the CQC qualification for the transport of people, takes the exam via a questionnaire with thirty questions, relating to the topics of the specialist part for the transport of people, within forty minutes. The test is considered passed if the number of incorrect answers is, at most, 3. The holder of the CQC qualification for the transport of people, who intends to obtain the CQC qualification for the transport of goods, takes the exam through a questionnaire with thirty questions, relating to the topics of the specialist part for the transport of goods, within forty minutes. The test is considered passed if the number of incorrect answers is, at most, 3.
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